Five Reasons Why REITs Are Superior To Investment Properties

satellite view of properties along two intersecting streets

Passive real estate investment presents two main players: Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) and traditional property ownership. While both can provide income with little effort, REITs outshine direct ownership in several ways. This article highlights five reasons why REITs trump investment properties for passive investors entering the real estate market. Key Takeaways Let’s cover the … Read more

Five Reasons Why Investment Property Ownership Is Superior To REITs

small wooden house cutout next to increasing columns of gold-colored coins with larger plants atop each column of coins

Investing in real estate has long been a favored choice for those looking to build wealth and secure their financial future. When it comes to real estate investments, two primary options often come to mind: owning physical properties and investing in Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs). While both options offer potential benefits, this article will … Read more