The Money Guy’s Financial Order of Operations

The Money Guy's financial order of operations

Whether you’re a recent college graduate, a young professional starting your career, or a little older, understanding how to manage your money effectively is a crucial skill set. This article will guide you through the Money Guy’s Financial Order of Operations – a strategic roadmap created by financial experts Brian Preston and Bo Hanson. The … Read more

Following Dave Ramsey’s 7 Baby Steps to Achieve Financial Freedom

Dave Ramsey's 7 baby steps

When the economy is uncertain and our future seems less clear, Dave Ramsey’s practical method for handling personal finances offers clear direction. His “Baby Steps,” a carefully crafted seven-step financial plan, have given many people the power to take charge of their money. Whether you’re starting your journey to financial stability or adjusting your current … Read more

Financial Planning for Special Needs Children: Essential Steps for Parents

person looking out the window while planning finances

Parents of special needs children face unique financial challenges as they strive to provide for their kids’ long-term well-being. It’s crucial to have a solid financial plan in place since special needs children often require ongoing support and care throughout their lives. Today, we share some important tips on financial planning for special needs children … Read more

The Best Ways to Use Credit Cards in Modern Finance

opened wallet containing several credit cards

Credit cards have become a tool for managing finances and enjoying the convenience of purchasing a wide range of goods and services. They offer a gateway to a world of purchases, rewards, and flexibility. However, just like many other powerful tools, credit cards possess both positive and negative attributes, making them a double-edged sword in the … Read more

Achieving Financial Freedom: The Power of Multiple Income Streams

magnet attracting coins and notes representing multiple streams of income

When it comes to creating wealth and achieving financial independence, diversifying your income streams is key. Relying solely on a single source of income can be risky, especially in uncertain times. By diversifying your income, you can protect yourself from unexpected setbacks and take advantage of various opportunities that may arise. If you’re in your … Read more

When To Pay Off Debt Versus Invest: How to Choose

double graphic comparing paying off debt versus investing in stocks

Money has always been a complex subject, and a common financial decision people face is whether to prioritize paying off their debts or invest for the future. It’s a tough decision that can have an impact on one’s financial well-being. In this article, we’ll cover the primary factors that should be considered when making this … Read more

The Cycle of Wealth Building – Part 1

Image of the cycle of wealth building, starting with active income.

Building wealth is achieved in stages and requires a repetitive cycle of activities to succeed. These activities include earning money and distributing the money into savings and investments. The investments close this cycle of wealth building by making more money. If you would like to learn how to accelerate your wealth-building journey, read on to … Read more

Achieve Financial Success With These 10 Proven Strategies

coins stacked in a row with plants on top growing in size, ending with a jar full of coins, representing increasing wealth

Do you dream of becoming financially successful? Discover the roadmap to wealth and achieve financial success with these ten proven strategies. Tested by successful individuals, these principles offer guidance for anyone aiming for financial success. We’ve listed the top ten widely cited and recommended principles to achieve financial success. Whether you’re beginning or enhancing your … Read more