Teaching Children the Value of Saving Money: 10 Practical Tips

young child with smile on face while putting coin into piggy bank for savings

Teaching children the value of saving money and money management from a young age is an invaluable life skill that will benefit them throughout their lives. By instilling good saving habits early on, children can develop a sense of financial responsibility and independence. In this article, we will explore ten practical tips for saving money … Read more

Financial Tips for Children and Teens

family enjoying outdoor time washing their pet dog

Financial tips for children and teens, including students beginning tertiary education, starts with the parents. Children learn from the actions of their parents, so it is important to set good money habits early. Children earning pocket money If you are (or have) a child who earns pocket money or are given money as a gift … Read more

Buying and Paying for a Property

large double-storey house with balconies on both levels surrounded by palm trees and manicured garden

Buying a property to live in, whether it is a house or apartment, is often the largest purchase people will encounter in their lives. Buying a property should therefore be undertaken with a thorough understanding of what is involved and how it may impact your long-term finances. These include buying versus renting, understanding the terminology … Read more

Planning for Retirement in 5 Easy Steps

man in black suit holding dollar bills

Over 10,000 Americans turn 60 daily, which makes retirement planning important for millions of people each year. When it’s the moment for you to retire, you cannot afford to be unprepared. However, according to statistics, less than 40% of Australians over the age of 40 are prepared for retirement. Having a precise strategy on how … Read more

Building Wealth in Your 30s, 40s and 50s

columns of gold coins increasing in size representing compound growth

After you have been working for some time and have set the foundations for improving your finances, you will need to continue building your wealth and also learn how to maintain that wealth. Building wealth in your 30s, 40s and 50s involves increasing your income potential and cash flow. This can often be challenging, as … Read more

Budgeting Tips for Planning a Family

couple lying in bed with their newborn baby

Starting a family, as we all know, takes a lot of planning. And that planning doesn’t just begin and end with getting pregnant and making your way through the trials and tribulations of a woman being pregnant for the first time. In fact, while crucial, the planning involved in going through a pregnancy is just the beginning … Read more